
Cleaning method of glass glue

Glass glue is a common household adhesive, which is more and more used in the bonding process of various supplies. However, in the process of use, glass glue on clothes or hands is difficult to eliminate!
There are many cleaning methods on the items contaminated with glass glue, which can be physically removed, and the glass glue on the glass can be scratched off gently with a knife; It can also be chemically dissolved, generally wiped several times when cleaning with gasoline or xylene solution, acetone, xylene, gasoline, and Tianna water (banana water) can be washed away. How to clean the glass glue on the hand? You can use cotton silk to account for kerosene or gasoline, wipe it clean, and then wash your hands with soap, alkali or washing powder, paper wipe off the big fast, and then add a little water with alkali or washing powder, repeatedly rub it fully, wash it clean, or wipe off the big fast, dry it fully, and then rub it off. After the glass glue solvent evaporates and dries, a film is formed. Here are some easy ways to choose from.
1. Method One
The so-called adhesive, bonding agent, or glue, Foshan glass glue tells you that it is the easiest to clean when it is not cured, whether it is glued to where, clothes, bodies, utensils; Some only need to gently wipe with a rag, add some water to rub, it is easy to remove, so that the cleaning without curing is the simplest.
2. Method Two
When installing glass on these relatively smooth items, accidentally get glass glue, you can use a knife or blade to gently scrape off; It should be noted that this is a bit of manual technology, glass glue manufacturers remind you not to scratch their own glass oh
3. Method 3
If the cured glass is attached to glass, ceramics, metals and other items, you can consider scrubbing with solvents such as xylene and acetone (if you do not know these two substances, you can consider banana water, because banana water contains these two substances), if the curing glue attached to glass and other items is relatively small, you can also consider using a scraper to scrape it off. If attached to and clothing, you can consider brushing with a brush, if not, you must consider banana water.
4. Method 4:
Different glass adhesives have different characteristics. For example, acid glass glue and neutral glass glue two, which contains chemicals are not the same; It is not possible to use the same removal method, otherwise it is easy to cause unexpected regrets, which is very bad.
5. Method 5
You can try to remove it with banana water, because one of the main ingredients in banana water is “butyl acetate”, and butyl acetate has a “banana fragrance”, which is where the name banana water comes from; Pure banana water slightly soluble in water, can effectively dissolve in various organic solvents, the effect is good.
Through the above introduction, have you understood the method of removing glass glue? If in daily life, contaminated with glass glue, you can use the above methods to try!

Post time: Apr-16-2024
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